Would you like to formally join our church family? That's great news!

Here are a few steps to complete that process:

  1. Fill out a membership form – available at the church office.
  2. If you belong to another congregation within The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), you can become a member by transfer.  We will be happy to send a transfer request letter for you.  If that is your desire, please contact our church office and we can begin the process.
  3. If you belong to a Lutheran church body other than the LCMS and desire to join OSLC, we would encourage you to consider affirmation of faith.  This would involve a discussion concerning the differences that may exist between your present Lutheran Church body and The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.  We will contact you about whether this will be a one-on-one visit or if we will hold a one-night class.
  4. If you belong to another Christian denomination (outside of Lutheranism), or are new to the Christian faith, we would encourage you to attend our “Foundations of Faith” class.  We will explore the vibrant hope of the Christian faith in a lively format, offering plenty of opportunities (both in and out of class) for questions and answers.  After completing this class, membership at OSLC will be open to you.

At any point along the way, feel free to reach out to us for more information!  We’d love to help.

In Christ's love,

Pastors Heath Trampe and Brian Doel